
Fiscal Year 2020 Flex EMS Supplement Small Group Meeting

12:00 PM
National Rural Health Resource Center (The Center)
Registration Deadline
Wednesday, August 04, 2021

  • 0:00 Welcome
  • 13:08 Keynote: The Challenges of COVID and the Opportunities Going Forward for Rural EMS, Shawn Baird, American Ambulance Association and Metro West Ambulance 
  • 1:11 Supplement Project Descriptions
  • 1:47 State Sharing: Year Two Progress and Sticking Points, Changes for Year Three 
  • 2:26 Sustainability and Evidence of Project Success

This meeting highlighted the latest information and issues in the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program, specifically within the second year of the multi-year Flex emergency medical services (EMS) supplement projects that began in FY 2019. This meeting provided an opportunity for FY 2019 EMS supplement project grantees to share experiences, lessons learned, and successes in a collaborative learning environment.

Learning objectives for those that participated in the meeting or view the recording include: 

  • Express innovative ideas about EMS and consider how they might be applied to rural EMS in their state
  • Recognize and discuss the progress of each of the FY 2019 Flex EMS supplement project
  • Identify lessons learned and useful resources from the shared experiences of peer supplement projects


Upcoming Events


Fall 2024 Flex Program Workshop

View details about the FORHP Flex Program Workshop scheduled for October 22-24, 2024 in Rockville, Maryland. This event is intended for new Flex Program staff, including Coordinators and Directors.
This webinar highlighting essential tools and resources from the RRPD and THCPD Technical Assistance Center. This session will explore the wide array of support available to grantees, focusing on practical tools that enhance program development, data management, and rural health initiatives.

DRCHSD 2024 Annual Summit

This event provides DRCHSD hospitals and clinics with a collaborative learning environment. Through presentations and interactive discussions, participants will improve and strengthen their organizations.