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Rural HIT Network Development (RHITND)

From September 2011 to September 2014, The National Rural Health Resource Center (The Center) provided technical assistance (TA) to 41 Rural Health Information Technology Network Development (RHITND) Program grantees through a contract with the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA’s) Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP).

Through the RHITND technical assistance contract, The Center completed the following:

  • Helped network leaders understand change and transition
  • Provided strategic planning facilitation and project management resources
  • Created training materials and resources on facilitation methods, communication techniques, and collaboration skills
  • Helped network leaders develop strategic marketing plans, articulate their value proposition, imagine new products and services they can offer their members, and write network business plans
  • Provided resources, training, and techniques for measuring network strategies, initiatives, and reporting results
  • Assessed and collaborated on solving health information technology issues and improving internal processes
  • Informed network leaders on changes in HIT requirements, provided updates and insights on health care reform and potential impact on rural health networks