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RQITA Monthly - June 2024

  • Questions from the Field
    • My hospital is working to achieve Domain 1: Equity is a Strategic Priority of the Hospital Commitment to Health Equity measure. What kind of information needs to be included in the strategic plan?

    • We are integrating screening for health-related social needs (HRSN) to be able to report the Screening for Social Drivers of Health measure (SDOH-1) and the Screen Positive Rate for Social Drivers of Health measure (SDOH-2). What resources are available to help our team?  

    • I subscribe to the Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR) Newsletter by the Quality Reporting Center. I saw the Sex data element will be replaced by the Sex Assigned at Birth data element. What does that mean for data abstraction for OP-18?

  • Resources and Tools
  • Upcoming MBQIP Deadlines & Reporting Reminders
  • Upcoming Events
