Board Leadership Module 3: Building Collaborative Relationships

The Visionary Board Leadership and the Transition to Value 6-part video series, designed for critical access hospital board members, focuses on developing systems thinking and visionary leadership skills as keys to thriving in the changing health care landscape.

A suggested approach to use the content: Board of Directors should watch one of the six 15-20-minute videos every other month over the course of 12 months. Each module includes three parts: 1) educational content from subject matter experts, including interviews with rural hospital board members and CEOs sharing best practices and words of wisdom; 2) discussion questions for boards to consider how module topics apply to their organization and community; and 3) suggested activities for boards to put best practices into action. 

Module 3


In this third module, we continue down the road to value by examining the partnerships and collaborative decision making that are an important part of value and population health initiatives. As we do this, we’ll be revisiting some of the concepts from the first two modules of the program. Just like in previous modules, you’ll hear other rural hospital board members and CEOs share their perspectives and experiences bringing together community partners. 


  • Collaborative relationships and the path to value
  • The role of a board in coalition building
  • Collaborating internally and externally
  • Identifying key partners
  • Strengthening relationships
  • Collaborative decision making

Discussion Questions

  • As board members, how do you currently reach across organizational boundaries? What expectations do you have of senior administrators related to engaging with other organizations?
  • What organizations do you currently partner with? How are these partnerships aligned with your facility’s vision and strategic goals?
  • What other organizations might be part of the “puzzle” of population health in your community? What value might these organizations bring to the conversation? How might you best connect with them?


Reach out to other organizations in your community to understand their perspective on population health – or to understand how they interact with patients when they’re not in the hospital or clinic.


Building Trust in Collaborative PartnershipsThis webinar helps leaders enhance and improve trust in all relationships—at the individual, team and network levels. When demonstrated and modeled by leaders, trustworthiness sets a behavioral precedent and creates a culture of collaboration.

A Guide for Rural Health Care Collaboration and CoordinationThis guide discusses how rural providers can work together to identify the health needs in their communities, create partnerships to address those needs, and develop a “community-minded” approach to health care. 

The Role of Small and Rural Hospitals and Care Systems in Effective Population Health PartnershipsOutlines ways that small and rural hospitals can develop effective partnerships to address population health.


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