DRCHSD 2021 Recruitment For Retention Academy

The Delta Region Community Health Systems Development (DRCHSD) Program is excited to offer the 5-part Recruitment for Retention Webinar Series. This series aims to provide hospital and clinic leaders with tools and strategies for recruiting and retaining high-performing employees. Throughout the series, participants who join the live sessions will have multiple opportunities to share and learn best practices from other Delta program hospitals and clinics.

Topics for the 5-part series include:

  • Recruitment for Retention Hierarchy - Unleashing your most powerful recruitment tool: Culture
  • Building the foundation of your recruitment efforts - Process, team, and action steps 
  • Make your organization stand out: Identifying unique selling points that health professionals want
  • Marketing on a shoestring budget: Free and low-cost tools to tell your story
  • Collaborative Discussion: Best practice sharing

Audience: Although this series is primarily geared for HR leaders and staff, anyone from Delta program hospitals and clinics is welcome to attend. 

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