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By attending this webinar, participants were be able to hear feedback on the new MBQIP quality report template, receive updates on a temporary timeline for MBQIP quarterly data reports, and understand virtual logistics of the upcoming 2020 Flex Program Reverse Site Visit (RSV).
The purpose of this small group meeting was to highlight the latest information and issues in the Flex Program and to provide an opportunity for EMS supplement project grantees to share experiences, lessons learned, and successes from the first year of the multi-year supplement projects.
Learn about results from the Flex Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Performance Improvement and Management System (PIMS) data collection. Understand the requirements for the Flex FY 2019 PIMS data collection. Discover resources available for PIMS data collection.
View a summary from the National Rural HIT Coalition meeting with state and federal updates. Discussion topics included HIT updates related to telehealth, COVID-19, the FCC Connected Care Pilot and Draft Voluntary User-Reported Criteria for the Electronic Health Record Program.
View the first webinar recording and supporting materials from a web-based learning collaborative to gain knowledge about population health and how Flex Programs can help support CAHs, RHCs, and rural communities in through population health initiatives.
View the second webinar recording and supporting materials from a web-based learning collaborative to gain knowledge about population health and how Flex Programs can help support CAHs, RHCs, and rural communities in through population health initiatives.
View the third webinar recording and supporting materials from a web-based learning collaborative to gain knowledge about population health and how Flex Programs can help support CAHs, RHCs, and rural communities in through population health initiatives.
View the fourth webinar recording and supporting materials from a web-based learning collaborative to gain knowledge about population health and how Flex Programs can help support CAHs, RHCs, and rural communities in through population health initiatives.


View the fifth webinar recording and supporting materials from a web-based learning collaborative to gain knowledge about population health and how Flex Programs can help support CAHs, RHCs, and rural communities in through population health initiatives.
View the final webinar recording and supporting materials from a web-based learning collaborative to gain knowledge about population health and how Flex Programs can help support CAHs, RHCs, and rural communities in through population health initiatives.
Discuss the benefits of integration of primary care and rural hospitals, particularly regarding population health, value payment, and care coordination work. Explain how rural health networks enhance patient care, integrate services, and support the health of the people in their service areas.
Learn about FORHP’s plans to help states increase the Flex focus on quality improvement efforts during budget year 3. Discuss how FORHP’s plans align with previously discussed MBQIP refresh efforts. Hear general MBQIP updates from FORHP and RQITA.
Participate in group sharing of ideas regarding the Quality Improvement project for this year’s Flex NCC. Hear updates regarding CMS Hospital Star Ratings and electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs). Hear general MBQIP updates.
Participate in group sharing and discussion of plans and potential pain points regarding planning and implementation of the quality improvement (QI) project as outlined in your non-competing continuation (NCC). Hear general MBQIP updates.
Explore the new TASC-hosted SharePoint space and Quality Innovation Lab (QIL) email groups and understand expectations of use. Review examples of well written project plans and identify opportunities to enhance your state QI project plan. Receive instructions prior to the first round of QIL meetings. Hear general MBQIP updates.
This webinar will be an opportunity for state Flex coordinators to provide feedback to FORHP on new MBQIP quarterly reports produced by FMT.
View a summary from the National Rural HIT Coalition meeting with state and federal updates. Discussion topics included HIT updates related to telehealth, COVID-19, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Digital Health Center of Excellence, and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) programs.
Discover staff engagement and wellness best practices for building Flex Program longevity. Identify employee satisfaction opportunities within different organization types (state government, non-profit, and university). Share innovative ways to celebrate Flex program successes.
Use this series of leadership tools to enable rural health care leadership teams to examine and clarify roles for achieving performance excellence during the transition to value-based health care. They are geared specifically toward administrative teams, board members and physician leaders.
Understand the HHS carryover process and necessary steps required. Hear from Flex programs that have utilized carryover Flex funds. Hear examples of Flex programs shifting activities to avoid the carryover process.