Virginia State Office of Rural Health


Richmond, VA
United States

Virginia State Flex Program

What is one Core Competency your state Flex Program is working on developing through Flex activities?

Core Competency: Improving Financial Sustainability

Aligning with the goal of improving financial and operational performance, the Virginia Flex Program is working to develop an individually-tailored approach to each of the 8 CAHs by means of evaluating their Medicare Cost Report data and identifying opportunities for improvement, completing Charge Master reviews, and integrating specialty projects for the state's Rural Health Clinics.

What is one activity your state is funding through SHIP?

Historically, the Virginia Rural Hospital Coaching Collaborative (VRHCC) has been offered as a Small Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) program menu option, which gives rural hospitals the opportunity to network, share, and implement strategies for quality, financial, and operational improvement through evidence-based coaching. The Flex Program, in partnership with the Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association Foundation (VHHAF) will be implementing the collaborative as a Flex programmatic activity, which will be offered to SHIP participating hospitals as well.

Type of Organization State Government
Staffing (FTE) 5
Number of CAHs 8


Organization Contacts

Brandon Rivenbark

Flex Coordinator; SHIP Coordinator, Virginia
(804) 835-2618

Brandon has served as Virginia's Flex and SHIP Coordinator since 2023.
