Blue Mountain Hospital, Blanding, Utah

Blue Mountain Hospital (BMH), located in Blanding, Utah, was recognized for implementing many programs to communicate with the community they serve, including a county newsletter and social media engagement. These communication methods are all utilized to maintain open lines of communication with the community. 

Hospital executives receive CAH Recognition certificate from the Utah Flex Program

Positive Outcomes:

  • Developed monthly community newsletter distributed to every resident in the county
  • Implement an advice-by-telephone system with strong partnership with Utah Navajo Health Systems
  • Established a method for evaluating patient satisfaction, with process improvements developed based on patient feedback

Top Accomplishments:

Donna Singer, CEO, was honored to receive the recognition award on behalf of the hospital, saying, “Community outreach and engagement are a top priority for our organization, and we are grateful that our efforts are recognized on a national level. Our vision includes being one with the communities we serve in meeting their unique health care needs.”
