Teryl Eisinger Presented with the 2022 Calico Leadership Award

Teryl Eisinger, Advisor, National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) was awarded the Calico Quality Leadership Award at the 2022 Flex Program Reverse Site Visit held virtually July 19-22, 2022. Teryl has served on the Technical Assistance and Services Center (TASC) Advisory Committee and has worked for 20 years to connect the goals of the Flex Program with State Offices for Rural Health to improve the quality and financial viability of health care providers in rural communities.

The Calico Quality Leadership Award is presented annually by the TASC, a program of the National Rural Health Resource Center (The Center), to an outstanding rural health leader. The Calico Award was created in honor of long-time rural health leader, Dr. Forest Calico, for his life-long commitment to improving the quality of rural health. This year’s award was presented to Teryl for her outstanding leadership.

“Teryl’s unwavering dedication, commitment, and understanding of the unique positive aspects of rural health secured the foundation on which the NOSORH was built,” said Tammy Norville, CEO, NOSORH. Teryl was the first employee of NOSORH and served as the executive director of NOSORH until her retirement this summer. Teryl has worked extensively in the areas of rural health and health promotion for underserved populations. “Her work has spanned from rural community development at the local level to building a national organization that works to increase the capacity of State Offices of Rural Health to improve access to care for rural communities through the nation. It’s been a pleasure and honor to know her and to work with her for so many years,” described Karen Madden, Deputy Director, Center for Health Care Policy and Resource Development, New York State Department of Health.

“Teryl has provided spirit and leadership to rural health and through her efforts, the impact of state Flex Programs in communities has grown,” Sally T. Buck, CEO, The Center. Furthermore, Teryl has been instrumental in raising awareness and attention to National Rural Health Day, created in 2010. “Teryl is quite deserving of the Calico Award. Her long term NOSORH leadership has led to partnerships across the county. If ever there was a person who understood the value and strength of partnerships, it was Forrest Calico. He would be proud to see Teryl receiving this award,” noted John Barnas, Director, Michigan Center for Rural Health.

For more information or questions about the National Rural Health Resource Center, please contact Tracy Morton at (218) 216-7027 or tmorton@ruralcenter.org.  
