SHIP Learning Collaborative: Using Hospital Data in SHIP VBP and/or ACO
Based on feedback provided by state SHIP Program Coordinators, The National Rural Health Resource Center's Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) Technical Assistance Team partnered with evaluation subject matter expert Dr. Angie Charlet, Vice President of Training and Development at Canopy Associates, to facilitate discussions and education through a three part, web-based learning collaborative for State SHIP personnel.
This learning collaborative was an interactive learning experience to help SHIP coordinators understand hospital data components encompassing two SHIP grant investment activities: Value Based Purchasing (VBP) and Accountable Care Organization (ACO) or Shared Savings. Areas of topic focus during the learning collaborative included VBP and ACO activities as hospital awards or consortium projects; using various sources of data and data analysis for VBP and ACO activity planning and monitoring; and communication techniques for hospital engagement.
Learning Objectives:
- Discover SHIP data components within two hospital investment activities: Value Based Purchasing and Accountable Care Organization or Shared Savings.
- Evaluate data trends for SHIP activities, review data analysis tools and resources, and identify sources for SHIP work plan data
- Create tools/resources for tracking data changes and establish communication techniques for hospital engagement
Learning Collaborative Session #1
Learning Collaborative Session #2
Learning Collaborative Session #3