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Financial Update: Preparing for and Succeeding Under Value-Based Reimbursement Models

01:00 PM
National Rural Health Resource Center (The Center)
Registration Deadline
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

There are significant confusion and varying opinions on the potential organizational benefits of entering value-based reimbursement models. This session will explore the many potential benefits (financial and otherwise) that can be achieved under value-based reimbursement models. In addition, we will explore how to build organizational support for these programs and how to financially prepare for these opportunities. 


Ralph J. Llewellyn, CPA, CHFP, Eide Bailly, LLP. 

Learning Objectives 

By attending this webinar, participants will: 

  • Gain an understanding of the financial challenges and opportunities under value-based reimbursement models
  • Explore educational opportunities to garner support for entering value-based reimbursement models from board members, C-suite, and organizational staff
  • Identify key financial areas to address in preparation for the journey to enter value-based reimbursement models 

Content is tailored to guide SRH and certified RHCs not currently participating in VBC to prepare for and position their organizations to be effective participants in a health system focused on value. Live HELP Webinars events are intended for qualifying SRH and certified RHCs; eligibility requirements apply to attend the event live.  


Upcoming Events


Fall 2024 Flex Program Workshop

View details about the FORHP Flex Program Workshop scheduled for October 22-24, 2024 in Rockville, Maryland. This event is intended for new Flex Program staff, including Coordinators and Directors.
This webinar highlighting essential tools and resources from the RRPD and THCPD Technical Assistance Center. This session will explore the wide array of support available to grantees, focusing on practical tools that enhance program development, data management, and rural health initiatives.