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17 results found
PCH shares their experience with their RHPI Leadership and Balanced Scorecard Development project, which focused on strategies to improve quality and customer service, staff and physician satisfaction, hospital growth and hospital financial health.
UGH used their CHNA to identify their biggest community issues, then increased outreach address them.
MDMC shares successes and lessons learned from an RHPI FOA in preparing for a new payment and care delivery model and discusses next steps for participation in a shared savings plan and/or ACO.
UGH completed a CHNA in 2012. Claudia Wade, Executive Assistant and Grant Writer, shares about an innovative program they created as a result of their findings to impact teen pregnancy.
LGH designs an innovative marketing strategy and shares suggestions for other hospitals wanting to create a marketing committee.
MMC shares their experience and outcomes from their RHPI Strategic, Financial and Operational Assessment.
Jim Blackwood, Administrator of TGH, discusses ways they used an RHPI FOA to focus on developing leadership abilities, especially regarding handling the “business” end of their departments.
RPH uses their RHPI business office assessment project and shares outcomes and next steps.
Hear RPH's successes of their RHPI QI Care Management project.
RMMC's chronic disease project focused on improving patient care processes in an effort to decrease unnecessary admissions and readmissions and ultimately decrease the long-term cost of care.
UGH shares outcomes and next steps from their RHPI Customer Service project.
JMC shares outcomes and next steps about their RHPI case management project.
HCHC share outcomes of their RHPI Lean Process Planning and Value Stream Mapping project to improve effectiveness in the ED.
FMC worked to improve HCAHPS and core measures through their RHPI project and they share outcomes and impact.
SCH improves care transitions through their RHPI care management and TOC project, and they share their consultant implementation progress and outcomes.
MCB prepares for the future with an RHPI FOA. CEO discusses outcomes, impact and next steps.
This project helped to provide assistance with evaluating clinical processes that impact the revenue cycle, prioritize needs, develop action plans based on the identified needs and implement a plan to improve clinical processes and thus the revenue cycle.