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RHPTP Leadership Learning Collaborative: Advancing Value-Based Care - Leading from the Middle

The National Rural Health Resource Center


  • Tuesday, January 23 | 2:00-3:00 pm CT
  • Tuesday, February 27 | 2:00-3:00 pm CT
  • Tuesday, March 26 | 2:00-3:00 pm CT
  • Tuesday, April 23 | 2:00-3:00 pm CT


Sarah Brinkman & Alona Jarmin, Stratis Health


This interactive learning collaborative is designed to support middle managers and informal leaders in rural health care settings to discover and apply practical leadership skills to advance value-based care initiatives in their organizations and improve health outcomes in their communities.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this learning collaborative, participants will be able to:

  • Describe value-based care (VBC) and understand your role in advancing VBC within your rural community.
  • Apply change management concepts to effectively lead change initiatives to advance VBC.
  • Empower individuals and teams to effectively and efficiently advance VBC while finding joy in their work. 

Participation Requirements

Participants will sign a memorandum of understanding committing to a total of 8-10 hours to this structured collaborative:

  • Four hours to attend the live sessions
  • 1-2 hours of additional time between sessions reviewing related materials

Participants will receive a certificate of completion for this course if they:

  • Complete a pre and post learning collaborative assessment
  • Attend and actively participate in all four live sessions

Participants may receive 4 hours of American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) qualified credit upon completion of live sessions and learning collaborative assessment.



Sarah Brinkman, MA, MBA, CPHQ

Stratis Health
Sarah joined Stratis Health as a program manager in 2016. She has more than 15 years of experience working in health care quality, ranging from the community to the national level. As a certified professional in health care quality (CPHQ), Sarah supports

Alona Jarmin

Stratis Health
Alona began her career in healthcare over 20 years ago as a Certified Nursing Assistant. Alona holds a master's degree in Nursing from Walden University in Minneapolis, MN. She was awarded a full scholarship attending the University of North Dakota for he

Upcoming Events


DRCHSD 2024 Annual Summit

This event provides DRCHSD hospitals and clinics with a collaborative learning environment. Through presentations and interactive discussions, participants will improve and strengthen their organizations.
Learn more about current federal policy priorities for Congress and the current Administration, and the related implications for rural health care providers. This webinar will discuss the impact federal policy currently has on rural health care and behavioral health, future considerations, as well as the possible effects on digital services such as telehealth and physician payment reform.
Please join us for the upcoming Rural Healthcare Provider Transition Project State Partner meeting!
The topic will be on International Classification of Diseases – 11th Revision (ICD - 11) for SHIP Grantees.
This quality series will center on the 9 core elements of quality infrastructure supporting rural health care quality improvement (QI) efforts. Participants will engage in interactive discussions regarding application of the core elements to important topics of patient experience, patient safety, and health equity.
This quality series will center on the 9 core elements of quality infrastructure supporting rural health care quality improvement (QI) efforts. Participants will engage in interactive discussions regarding application of the core elements to important topics of patient experience, patient safety, and health equity.