Implementing and Sustaining Rural Community Paramedicine

With support from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP), the Rural Community Paramedicine (CP) Summit was convened in 2021 to assist state Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Programs and State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) to facilitate sharing lessons learned and key strategies related to the implementation and sustainment of CP in rural communities. This document shares the experiences of established CP providers with rural ambulance services and hospitals for preparation of new CP initiatives. The report is also intended to inform those that strive to improve the health of rural communities, such as Flex Programs and SORH, to enable them to consider how they might best support rural CP efforts through their programs.

This document incorporates the summit proceedings, as well as a list of key strategies for implementing and sustaining CP in rural communities. It also contains resources, established CP programs, and information about how state Flex Programs can support rural CP efforts.


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