Physician Engagement: An Imperative for Success

New health care payment transitions from volume to value require new clinical care models that consider populations of patients within a continuum of care. Physicians are fundamental to health care delivery – intrinsic health care value is delivered within the clinician/patient relationship. However, physicians will increasingly assume additional significance and leadership roles as active designers and implementers of new clinical care models, such as clinically integrated networks. Health care systems that proactively engage physicians in the transitions to new payment and care models will be most capable of delivering value-laden health care. In this webinar, Dr. MacKinney discusses the role of physicians in society and recent forces impacting them, the stereotypical differences between physicians and administrators and how an understanding of those differences can increase the likelihood of trusting relationships and shared visions. Lastly, Dr. MacKinney discusses specific administrative strategies for meaningful physician engagement.

Speaker: Clint MacKinney, MD, MS

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