The Rural COPD Podcast: Episode 1

This episode features Grace Anne Dorney Koppel, Dorney-Koppel Foundation, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patient. Grace Anne explains COPD’s prevalence, its symptoms, the stigma surrounding the disease, her personal experiences with COPD, the challenges of COPD treatment in rural communities, her work with the Dorney Koppel Foundation, and the path to success with COPD.

The National Rural Health Resource Center (The Center) has partnered with Dr. Bill Auxier of Rural Health Leadership Radio to produce a six-part podcast series about rural COPD and its prevalence in rural America. This series from The Center provides information about COPD, how rural providers are meeting the needs of their communities, and the importance of billing and coding appropriately while ensuring quality of care is being addressed. Each podcast features a guest with expert knowledge in COPD and rural health.


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