Leading Through Change

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
National Rural Health Resource Center (The Center)

While a changing environment is nothing new to anyone working in health care, in the past several months many of us have been faced with extraordinary uncertainty and change. Leaders often spend a lot of time and energy developing what appears to be a well-designed plan for change, only to find that circumstances have changed overnight or encounter unexpected reactions from others that threaten to derail the plan entirely.

In this webinar, we’ll take a look at both the rational and emotional sides of change and give you some strategies for addressing each. We’ll explore ideas for keeping others engaged throughout the process and maintaining your own energy levels as you encounter challenges along the way. We’ll also share some tools designed to help you pinpoint and address sources of resistance to change.

Last but not least, we’ll introduce you to our newly published 6-part podcast series for mid-level rural healthcare leaders, Managing from the Middle: Leading Through Change.


  • Shannon Studden, MS, PHR, Senior Program Specialist, The Center 

Learning objectives

By attending this webinar, participants will:

  • Recognize individual differences in reactions to change
  • Use strategies for leading groups and individuals through change
  • Manage your own emotions during the change process




Shannon Studden, MS, PHR

National Rural Health Resource Center (The Center)
Rural Health Innovations (RHI)

Upcoming Events


DRCHSD 2024 Annual Summit

This event provides DRCHSD hospitals and clinics with a collaborative learning environment. Through presentations and interactive discussions, participants will improve and strengthen their organizations.
Learn more about current federal policy priorities for Congress and the current Administration, and the related implications for rural health care providers. This webinar will discuss the impact federal policy currently has on rural health care and behavioral health, future considerations, as well as the possible effects on digital services such as telehealth and physician payment reform.
Please join us for the upcoming Rural Healthcare Provider Transition Project State Partner meeting!
The topic will be on International Classification of Diseases – 11th Revision (ICD - 11) for SHIP Grantees.
This quality series will center on the 9 core elements of quality infrastructure supporting rural health care quality improvement (QI) efforts. Participants will engage in interactive discussions regarding application of the core elements to important topics of patient experience, patient safety, and health equity.
This quality series will center on the 9 core elements of quality infrastructure supporting rural health care quality improvement (QI) efforts. Participants will engage in interactive discussions regarding application of the core elements to important topics of patient experience, patient safety, and health equity.