Module 3: Collaborative Leadership

This six-part educational video series provides mid-level leaders with foundational knowledge and strategies for leading their team and influencing others as they navigate the shift to value-based payment and population health.

Before You Begin: Complete the Pre/post-Training Evaluation template on page 8 within the Discussion Questions and Activities document before you begin the series and again after you complete Module 6.


Description and Topics Covered

Explore what collaborative leadership looks like and learn strategies for effectively leading with a collaborative approach. 

  • Collaborative leadership basics
  • Open communication
  • Collaborative decision making
  • Building trust
  • Learning agility

Discussion Questions

  • Which of your professional relationships have the highest level of trust? How did this trust develop?
  • Which of your professional relationships have the lowest level of trust Why is this?
  • What are your biggest challenges when it comes to listening to others? What can you do to become a better listener?
  • What do you do well when it comes to feedback? Where do you struggle, and why?
  • Think of another leader who is particularly good at leading a group through a collaborative decision. What do they do that makes them so effective?

Recommended Activities

  • Identify one professional relationship that you’d like to develop more trust in. Walk through the Trust Self-Assessment to identify some potential areas you might focus on as you take steps to strengthen trust with this person.
  • Practice your active listening skills during a conversation with a colleague. Afterward, reflect on: The impact that your listening had on the conversation
    • Any distractions that posed challenges to your active listening
  • If the opportunity arises, lead a collaborative decision-making process. Be sure to follow the tips for collaborative decision-making outlined in this module. 
  • Talk to another leader (inside or outside your organization) who’s especially good at having difficult conversations with others. Learn more about how they approach these conversations and what they do to keep the conversation on track.


  1. Trust and betrayal in the workplace. Reina, D., & Reina, M. (2015). Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler. - This book outlines specific steps to build and sustain trust in organizations.
  2. Blanchard Leader Chat: Six Steps to Rebuild Broken Trust - Describes six steps to take to repair relationships after trust has been broken.
  3. Center for Creative Leadership: Use Active Listening to Coach Others - This article shares 6 techniques to strengthen active listening.
  4. Active Listening: The Art of Empathic Conversation - This article shares listening mistakes we commonly make and 6 tips for becoming a better listener.
  5. Give Employees the Right Kind of Feedback at the Right Time - This article provides a tool for determining the right approach for a feedback conversation.
  6. 7 strategies for better group decision-making. Emmerling, T. & Rooders, D. (Sept. 2020). Harvard Business Review. - Evidence-based strategies for helping groups identify a successful solution.
  7. Appreciative Inquiry - This article provides an overview of appreciative inquiry (AI) and outlines the 5-step AI process.
  8. 3Cs Trust Self-Assessment - This self-assessment is designed to help you assess your current capacity in each of the 3 key components of trust. Use it to help identify opportunities for growth and development of your collaborative leadership approach.

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