Sliding Fee Scale Discount Guide for CAHs and RHCs
Updated April 2022, this guide provides critical access hospital (CAH) and rural health clinic (RHC) executive and management teams with concepts and guidance in developing a Sliding Fee Scale Discount Program. It also assists in gaining an understanding of how sliding fee scale discount programs relate to Internal Revenue Code Section 501(r) compliance and participation in the National Health Service Corps (NHSC). In addition, content includes information about:
Reasons to implement a sliding fee scale discount program
Setting policies
Creating a sliding fee scale discount structure
Using a sliding fee scale discount in your organization
This technical assistance guide was developed as a tool to help state Flex personnel, CAHs, and rural health clinic (RHC) leaders develop strategies to gain insight into causes for market share loss and address outmigration, defined as patients electing to receive health care services at facilities outside of their community.
The Critical Access Hospital Financial Sustainability Guide guide is intended for use by state Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program personnel, leaders of critical access hospitals (CAHs), and other individuals and/or teams that provide guidance and assistance to these providers in managing their long-term financial stability.
Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) State Grantees can find details on how to apply for and administer SHIP funds, as well as templates for reporting.
The purpose of this guide is to provide information about Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and clarity around best practices of care management for those with COPD in rural communities.