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Critical Access Hospitals are the primary source of health care in many diverse and changing communities. They play a central role in addressing health equity. Understanding of the drivers of inequities can assist health care workers in better meeting the health care needs of their community. Listen to the panel of experts as they discuss strategies to achieve health equity.
This is the second podcast in our Stepping Up: Health Equity in Rural Hospitals Podcast Series. Guests will guide listeners through the process of identifying, recruiting, and training rural health equity champions within their organizations and the community.
This is the first podcast in our Stepping Up: Health Equity in Rural Hospitals Podcast Series. Guests will share the importance of internal diversity, equity, and inclusion adoption. Practical steps are discussed on how leadership can and should establish a diverse and inclusive culture.
This is the third podcast in our Stepping Up: Health Equity in Rural Hospitals Podcast Series. Guests provide insight into how a facility can adequately assess the needs of their rural community and translate that data into health equity programs and initiatives.
This is the fourth podcast in our Stepping Up: Health Equity in Rural Hospitals Podcast Series. Guests will share stories of success and struggle with health equity programs and initiatives in rural communities.
This webinar shares the lessons learned from the 12 years of the Heart of New Ulm Project as it transitioned from a research project to a community-owned and driven community health improvement initiative.
This IDPTV Project webinar shares ways to help staff understand population health, how their work contributes, and inspire them to work together to improve the health of the population you serve.
When your target population includes those that face challenges such as health care access or treatment compliance, a Community Health Worker can make all the difference. Listen to this webinar to learn more about organizational readiness for Community Health Workers, the value of lived experience, and program sustainability factors.
This webinar will explain this study, funded by the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, on trends and disruptors of health care, creating a roadmap that will ensure health across rural Minnesota in 2030 through elevated rural health policy.
This is the first podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Mini-Podcast Series. The basics of population health and social determinants of health are applicable to everyone that works in a hospital. Use these 10-minute podcasts during departmental/staff meetings or share as applicable.
For population health initiatives to be successful, it is important to get understanding and buy-in from staff at all levels of the organization, including frontline as well as leadership. This requires creating messaging and education that will inspire and motivate others to join you to address population health.
This is the second podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Podcast Series. Learn best practices from experts and critical access hospital (CAH) mid-level leaders (MLLs) as they address social determinants of health and shift towards population health.
This is third second podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Podcast Series. Learn best practices from experts and critical access hospital (CAH) mid-level leaders (MLLs) as they address social determinants of health and shift towards population health.
This is fourth podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Podcast Series. Learn best practices from experts and critical access hospital (CAH) mid-level leaders (MLLs) as they address social determinants of health and shift towards population health.
This is final podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Podcast Series. Learn best practices from experts and critical access hospital (CAH) mid-level leaders (MLLs) as they address social determinants of health and shift towards population health.
This is the first podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Podcast Series. Learn best practices from experts and critical access hospital (CAH) mid-level leaders (MLLs) as they address social determinants of health and shift towards population health.
This IDPTV Project webinar shares best practices and strategies to identify partners as well as tips to engage them and sustain those partnerships.
This is the third podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Mini-Podcast Series. The basics of population health and social determinants of health are applicable to everyone that works in a hospital. Use these 10-minute podcasts during departmental/staff meetings or share as applicable.
This is the second podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Mini-Podcast Series. The basics of population health and social determinants of health are applicable to everyone that works in a hospital. Use these 10-minute podcasts during departmental/staff meetings or share as applicable.
In this webinar, participants will learn about Community Paramedicine and its applications. The importance of a data focus will be discussed along with key implementation and sustainment strategies. Participants will receive Community Paramedicine resources for future use and see how a Community Paramedicine program can be the connector for their patients.