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The “Anywhere Care” campaign makes use of the word "virtually" in two different ways: referring to a real-time, remote meeting that's often considered "virtual" and as an adverb, speaking to the nearly limitless locations patients can choose from when they access care via telehealth.
The “Between Healing and Home” campaign highlights the additional recovery time that swing bed/transitional care services provide patients and notes that, even though it’s an extra step, the additional care can actually shorten recovery time.
2021 Value-Based Care (VBC) webinar series will provide hospital and clinic teams with education regarding the transition to VBC.
2021 DRCHSD Patient Experience Webinar series focuses on improving and maintaining an excellent patient experience
This is the first podcast in our Rural Minnesota Path to Value Mini-Podcast Series. The basics of population health and social determinants of health are applicable to everyone that works in a hospital. Use these 10-minute podcasts during departmental/staff meetings or share as applicable.
This guide is designed to target opportunities within the Flex Program to improve the scope of work requirements for subcontracted consultants. It will assist state programs in building greater accountability with their subcontractors to deliver more meaningful information to improve program deliverables, reporting, and demonstrating measurable program outcomes.
Gain insights on mental and behavioral health initiatives for critical access hospitals, and learn what other Flex Programs are doing to address mental and behavioral health.


Describe the importance of telehealth practices for rural hospitals. Discuss how to improve telehealth in your hospital through Flex Program initiatives.
RHI Board

Louis Wenzlow

Member | Director of Health Information Technology and Strategic Initiatives, Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative
Center Staff

Alyssa Meller, MA

Chief Operating Officer
Following the webinar, participants gained knowledge regarding new and emerging models of care influencing rural health care providers and improved their ability to recognize and locate resources related to emerging models of care that can inform their office, partners, and rural providers.
Following the webinar, participants gained awareness of recent policy updates related to COVID-19 and improved their understanding of the potential role of the Flex Program to support hospitals during this time.
Increase understanding of a hospital's revenue cycle from the beginning to the end. Gain practical insight on revenue cycle leading practices such as denials management, revenue integrity, and clinical documentation improvement.
Gain insight about ways to maintain compliance while optimizing the 340B Drug Pricing Program. Understand possible impact of potential legislative and CMS changes to the 340B Drug Pricing Program.

Health Equity

Discuss how to advance health equity in your state through Flex program initiatives. Discover strategies and activities from other Flex programs that promote health equity initiatives.
View Session III of the DRCHSD Program Revenue Cycle Improvement Bootcamp to learn how to properly code and bill telehealth services.
View Session I of the DRCHSD Program Revenue Cycle Improvement Bootcamp to learn how to implement clinical documentation process improvements to enhance revenue cycle functionality and reimbursement, and to reduce denials.
View Session II of the DRCHSD Program Revenue Cycle Improvement Bootcamp to learn how to build internal capacity and staff knowledge gain that results in the implementation of clinical documentation integrity best practices.
View Session IV of the DRCHSD Program Revenue Cycle Improvement Bootcamp to hear an update on the risks and challenges of capturing hydration services.
View Session V of the DRCHSD Program Revenue Cycle Improvement Bootcamp to learn best practices centered on denials management and charge capture.