2016 Flex Program Reverse Site Visit Materials

The annual Flex Program Reverse Site Visit is an opportunity for state Flex Program grantees to convene and share information about the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program and critical access hospitals (CAHs). This event focuses on the latest information and issues in the Flex Program including discussion of how national changes in health care delivery will impact CAHs. States share stories of their Flex Program experiences and successes with one another and with their project officers at the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP).

The annual Flex Program Reverse Site Visit is supported by FORHP and coordinated by the Technical Assistance and Services Center (TASC), a program of the National Rural Health Resource Center (The Center).

Communicating Value and Opportunities

The Future of the National Flex Program

Sarah Young, MPH, FORHP, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) The Future of the National Flex Program (1.94 MB)

Keynote – Crossing the Uncharted Seas of Transformation

Monica Bourgeau, MS, National Rural Accountable Care Organization  Crossing the Uncharted Seas of Transformation (4.84 MB)

Keynote – Strategies to Communicate the Message

Alana Knudson, PhD, NORC Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis  Communication Strategies in an Evolving Health Environment (864.41 KB)

Rural Models in Value-based Care and Payment

Karla Weng, MPH, CPHQ, Stratis HealthTerry Hill, MPA, National Rural Health Resource Center Rural Models in Value-based Care and Payment (1.7 MB) The Rural Bridge to Value and Population Health (1.25 MB)

Resources to Support Population Health

Larry Baronner, MEd, MS, Pennsylvania Office of Rural HealthAngie Allen, MT (ASCP), MEd, Tennessee Office of Rural Health and Health Access Healthy Communities Institute: A Tool for Population Health & Community Health Needs Assessments (1.27 MB) Tennessee Flex Program Population Health Readiness (1.23 MB)

CAH Leadership Development

Margaret Brockman, RN, MSN, Nebraska Office of Rural HealthLeslie Marsh, RN, MBA, Lexington Regional Medical Center Critical Access Hospital Leadership Development in the Nebraska Flex Program (1.22 MB)

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Assessment Use

Kayla Combs, MHA, Kentucky Office of Rural HealthSarah Craig, MHA, PCMH CCE, South Carolina Office of Rural Health Kentucky’s Rural EMS Assessment (1.25 MB) EMS Assessment Use (1 MB)

MBQIP Reporting Basics

Robyn Carlson, RHIA, CPHA, Stratis Health MBQIP Reporting Basics (3.56 MB)

MBQIP Quality Improvement Strategies

Julie Ketelsen, MPH, CHES, Texas Department of AgricultureGina Bruner, BSN, Montana Hospital Association

M2O: MBQIP to Outcomes (1.18 MB) M2O: MBQIP to Outcomes (1.18 MB) M2O Step 1 - Project Scope Example (67.55 KB) M2O Step 1 - Project Scope Template (66.68 KB) M2O Step 2 - Process Scope Example (91.5 KB) M2O Step 2 - Project Scope Template (90.5 KB) M2O Data Collection Sample (190.35 KB) Observation Sheet (94.52 KB) Sample Swimlane Flowchart (121.32 KB) Value Stream Mapping Sample (537.12 KB)

Collaborating to Improve State-level MBQIP Activities

Michelle Hoffman, Wyoming Department of HealthJennifer Brooks, California Department of Health Care ServicesPat Schou, MS, RN, FACHE, Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network Multi-State MBQIP Educational Collaborative (1.16 MB)

MBQIP and Beyond

Yvonne Chow, MPP, FORHP, HRSAKarla Weng, MPH, CPHQ, Stratis Health MBQIP Update (1.64 MB)

CAHMPAS and Using Flex Monitoring Team (FMT) Data

Mark Holmes, PhD, North Carolina Rural Health Research Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, FMT CAHMPAS and Using FMT Data (3.09 MB)

Flex Program Core Competencies for Excellence

Tracy Morton, MPH, National Rural Health Resource CenterJohn Gale, MS, Maine Rural Health Research Center, University of Southern Maine, FMT Flex Program Core Competencies for Excellence (572.61 KB) What Makes a High Performing State Flex Program? (325.59 KB)

Findings from the 2016 Rural Hospital Financial Leadership Summit

Sally Buck, MS, The CenterTerry Hill, MPA, The CenterBrock Slabach, MPH, FACHE, The Center Financial Leadership Summit 2016 (1.1 MB)

Contract Management Facilitated Discussion

Rebecca Bradley Dowdy, MBA, Vice President, Affiliated Enterprise Solutions Things You Wish You Knew the First 6 Months on the Job Facilitated Discussion (450.5 KB)

Quality Peer Groups for CAHs and Practical Strategies to Engage CAHs in Population Health

Michelle Casey, MS, Minnesota Rural Health Research Center, University of Minnesota, FMTJohn Gale, MS, Maine Rural Health Research Center, University of Southern Maine, FMT Quality Peer Groups for CAHs: FMT Work in Progress (1.61 MB) Practical Strategies to Engage CAHs in Population Health (397.61 KB)

Behavioral and Mental Health Innovation Highlights Panel

Judy Bergh, Minnesota Office of Rural Health and Primary CareChris Marchand, MPH, Project ECHO Nevada Innovation Highlights in Behavioral and Mental Health (1.39 MB) Project ECHO Nevada: A Flex Program Partnership That Makes Sense (830.41 KB)

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