Core Competency: Planning Strategically

Planning ought to be purposeful, active, and relevant, with input from key stakeholders such as internal staff, rural provider leaders and staff, the state hospital association, quality improvement partners, and the state rural health and clinic organizations. Flex Program strategic planning should be completed to align with the New Competing Continuation application that occurs every three to five years. The plan should include a vision, mission, and values as well as goals and objectives. The plan should be reviewed quarterly, and adjustments made with each non-competing continuation application or during the cooperative agreement year with FORHP approval.


  • Clearly defined mission, vision, and values for the state Flex Program
  • Understand the changing needs and opportunities for the state Flex Program to improve financials, quality of care and health outcomes of communities
  • Identify how program activities are linked between rural community needs and mission, vision, and values of the state Flex Program
  • Utilize a comprehensive framework to focus and maintain stability of organization direction
  • Regularly assess strategic progress of goals related to needs
  • Utilize process measures and short-, interim- and long-term outcome measures to assess program progress and plan for the future

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