Visionary Board Leadership and the Transition to Value Video Series
This six-part educational video series, designed for critical access hospital board members, focuses on developing systems thinking and visionary leadership skills as keys to thriving in the changing health care landscape. Participants will learn to think expansively about the health care system and its stakeholders, communicate a unified, inspiring vision for the organization and the community, and use this vision as a platform for developing collaborative relationships inside and outside the organization.
State Flex Programs may incorporate sharing this video series to support trainings in the operational and financial improvement area of their Flex Program, though the impact of this program will likely touch all aspects of the hospital. A variety of resources already exist to support board governance training, but this series is different and will improve the understanding of board members’ impactful leadership role.
Format for Board Training
The series is made up of six 15-20 minute video modules. Each module includes three parts: 1) educational content from subject matter experts, including interviews with rural hospital board members and CEOs sharing best practices and words of wisdom; 2) discussion questions for boards to consider how module topics apply to their organization and community; and 3) suggested activities for boards to put best practices into action.
Videos may be shown during regularly scheduled board meetings and can be followed by a brief discussion. While boards should feel free to complete the series within the timeframe that best serves them, the series is designed to be completed over the course of a year, with videos being shown on alternating months and follow-up discussions taking place during the months in between.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the 12-month series, participants will be able to:
Clearly articulate a long-term vision for their organization with an understanding of their vision’s role in the transition to value and population health
Communicate about the vision in ways that inspire a diverse set of internal and external audiences
Incorporate systems thinking into long- and short-term planning and decision making
Build and strengthen collaborative relationships inside and outside the organization
Identify desired qualities of future administrative leaders and have a plan to select for and develop these skills
Develop a culture of accountability within their organization
Program Modules & Topics
Before You Begin: Use thePre/post-Training Evaluation templateto have your Board take a short survey before you begin the training and again after you complete Module 6. Use this evaluation template to survey your board to measure the knowledge gained from this series. Have your Board take the evaluation before you begin Module 1 so you have a baseline, and again after you have completed Module 6. We hope the post-evaluation reveals a positive change in developing systems thinking and visionary leadership skills.
Influencing performance, inspiring accountability and the path to value
The role of a board in influencing performance and inspiring accountability
Creating a culture of accountability
Setting clear expectations
Giving effective feedback
Reminder: Have your Board take the Pre/post-Training Evaluationafter you complete Module 6. We hope the post-evaluation reveals a positive change in developing systems thinking and visionary leadership skills.
Each video module will refer to specific tools and resources that Boards may find helpful. Refer to the Resource Guide above for links and descriptions.
This technical assistance guide was developed as a tool to help state Flex personnel, CAHs, and rural health clinic (RHC) leaders develop strategies to gain insight into causes for market share loss and address outmigration, defined as patients electing to receive health care services at facilities outside of their community.
The Critical Access Hospital Financial Sustainability Guide guide is intended for use by state Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program personnel, leaders of critical access hospitals (CAHs), and other individuals and/or teams that provide guidance and assistance to these providers in managing their long-term financial stability.
Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) State Grantees can find details on how to apply for and administer SHIP funds, as well as templates for reporting.
The purpose of this guide is to provide information about Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and clarity around best practices of care management for those with COPD in rural communities.