
Health Equity

Health Equity is the condition under which individuals are provided the resources they need in order to have access to the same opportunities for health, as the general population.  

Equity accounts for systematic inequalities, meaning the distribution of resources provides more for those who need it most. Achieving health equity in rural communities requires assessment, collaboration, education, and targeted activities. 

This collection, updated quarterly, reflects resources created to increase the understanding of health equity, assess needs in communities, and develop strategies to improve access and health outcomes for all.  

Resources are broken down into the following categories:

Preparing to Advance Health Equity 

Social Determinants of Health 


Promising Practices

Preparing to Advance Health Equity 

The findings from the Rural Health Equity and Quality Summit will assist rural health leaders on their path to value-based care and alternative payment models by offering actionable steps on how to achieve rural health equity. 

National Rural Health Resource Center logo

National Rural Health Resource Center

 This video defines and describes health equity and how it can be addressed within rural communities. Boards and senior leaders will gain a better understanding of the unique strengths and challenges rural communities experience in addressing health equity, the social influencers of health, and discover ways hospitals can advance health equity, including what tools, resources, and systems might be employed and engaged. 

National Rural Health Resource Center logo

National Rural Health Resource Center

A podcast series designed for critical access hospital leaders and state Flex coordinators. Guests feature rural health and health equity subject-matter experts. Discover steps rural hospitals can take to implement sustainable health equity programs and efforts. 

 The toolkit compiles evidence-based frameworks and promising strategies and resources to support organizations working toward health equity in rural communities across the United States. 

The Health Equity Roadmap is a framework to help hospitals and health care systems chart their own paths toward transformation — thus becoming more equitable and inclusive organizations. 

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AHA Institute for Diversity and Health Equity

 CMS released an updated framework to further advance health equity, expand coverage, and improve health outcomes. 

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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

 This toolkit from the CDC is intended to help public health professionals ensure their communication products and strategies adapt to the specific cultural, linguistic, environmental, and historical situation of each population or audience of focus. 

CDC logo

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This website shares examples of efforts to advance health equity and Innovation Center models and initiatives.  

CMS logo

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services

SOPHE’s Health Equity & Anti-Racism Task Force developed the following resources for SOPHE members, chapters, stakeholders, and other community-based organizations to use in their work.  

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Society for Public Health Education

This toolkit can assist organizations and communities in evaluating opportunities for developing a CHW program, including resources and best practices.  

Inspired by the ten underlying principles for a Culture of Health, the Action Framework from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) identifies priorities, organized under distinct Action Areas, for driving measurable, sustainable progress, and improving the health and well-being of all people.  

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Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Designed for physicians and other health care professionals, the Advancing Health Equity: A Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts provides guidance and promotes a deeper understanding of equity-focused, person-first language and why it matters.

National Rural Health Resource Center logo
National Rural Health Resource Center

This video spotlights CentraCare - Long Prairie Hospital’s project to improve health for Spanish speaking diabetic patients in their community by creating resources and opportunities that are inclusive and culturally sensitive.

National Rural Health Resource Center logo
National Rural Health Resource Center

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Social Determinants of Health 

One of the primary goals of CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) is to achieve health equity by eliminating health disparities and achieving optimal health for all Americans. NCCDPHP addresses health equity through its programs, research, tools and resources, and leadership. 

CDC logo

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Use this section of the Population Health Toolkit to learn what data to use and how to analyze it to compare health status and conditions with social determinants by examining the rates of self-reported mental distress given population estimates, poverty rates, overall health status, and reported drug use at the county level. 

This guide provides rural health care leaders and teams with foundational knowledge, strategies, and resources to understand the impact of social determinants of health on patients and communities and to recognize local needs and opportunities for action. 

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The US Department of Health and Human Services Telehealth resources for advancing health equity. Providing health equity in telehealth means making changes in digital literacy, technology, and analytics. Resources included preparing patients and providers and best practices for telehealth and increasing access. 


Health Resource and Services Administration (HRSA)

This webinar highlights how some rural health providers are collaborating with community-based organizations to address SDOH needs that result in improved health outcomes, reduced costs, and advanced health equity. 

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Promising Practices

This issue brief from the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) examines the definitions of population health and health equity for rural stakeholders and offers examples of successful rural strategies. 


Logo for National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health


National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH)

Designed to support clinical and non-clinical health care professionals by providing tools and resources to build skills and knowledge to help them be responsive to and supportive of the diverse patients and communities they serve.  

This paper provides guidance on how health care organizations can reduce health disparities.  

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NAHSE Heartland Chapter

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